Mock Network Services 4 Java
:https server

This object provides an service that waits for ssl secured http connections and delivers documents to the caller in a http stream trough a ssl tunnel.

Please refer to mock http server for information how to manae documentson the server.

To get a ssl connection working you need a key pair for the server. This package does not have a default key pair. I suggest to use keytool from your jdk's bin/ directory to create a keypair. Note that only one configuration can be used within the same JVM so you need to put both keys, the one used by this mock server and the one your client uses into the same file. When created assign the keypair to the server with: serKeystore(File keystore, String keystorePassword, String keystoreFileType).

The parameters are:
File keystore
the File object that containes the keystore
String keystorePassword
The password for the keystore file and the key used.
String keystoreFileType
The filetype of the keystore. The JDK's keytool generates keystores with filetyp JKS but PKCS12 is also a common filetyp for keystores.